The Year of Motherhood: How We Became Moms and Found New Focus

The Year of Motherhood: How We Became Moms and Found New Focus

Dear Rem Blair Sisters, 

It's been quite a year for us sisters. All three of us became first time moms – and trust us, it was totally unplanned. Life gave us three amazing babies, and it was simultaneously the hardest and most amazing journey we've ever embarked on.

We found ourselves pregnant at the same time, sharing in the ups and downs of this incredible journey. Our babies were born just a few months apart, and it was a whirlwind of diapers, sleepless nights, and indescribable joy.

Becoming moms changed everything, including how we see our incredible community. We realized that self-confidence post-partum isn't just about fitting into a swimsuit; it's about embracing the amazing bodies we live in, with all the changes they go through.

Our focus shifted. We want you, our followers, to feel more confident than ever. Whether you're a mom or not, we're here to remind you that you're already perfect. Our suits are designed to help you feel confident in your own skin because that's where true beauty shines.

Join us as we share our journey into motherhood, the lessons we've learned, and our unwavering commitment to helping you feel amazing, inside and out.

With love and swimsuits,

Rileigh, Elise, and Morgan

Rem Blair Sisters

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